Tag - students


Description SparkWV is an innovative idea and small business generation competition for middle and high school students in West Virginia. The competition consists of three competitive rounds. Students are invited to apply as individuals or as a team with up to four members. SparkWV includes two tracks: BIG IDEAS: You have an idea...

WV FBLA State Leadership Conference

The WV FBLA State Leadership Conference recognizes and awards excellence in a broad range of business and career-related areas. FBLA Competitive Events prepares students for careers in business by providing opportunities to apply classroom concepts in a workforce-simulated competitive environment. Business and industry members serve as judges to evaluate students'...

Prioritizing the Entrepreneurial Pipeline: 4 Ecosystem Actions to Foster Youth Entrepreneurial Interest and Intention

For decades, West Virginia has faced significant population decline. Over the past 10 years, we’ve lost 59,000 residents – 3.3% of our total population. Citing a lack of economic and recreational opportunity as key barriers to staying and working in West Virginia, young adults (ages 18-30) account for most of...