Tag - crowdfunding

Investment Crowdfunding Demystified

In 2012, Congress passed the JOBS Act, and now for the first time in 80 years, private businesses in the U.S. can raise investment not just from wealthy investors, but the general public. Since then businesses have raised billions in investment capital using these new rules and leveled the playing field...

Bring Crowdfunding Knowledge to Your Small Business Support Organization

In 2021, crowdfunding provided over $1B in capital for small businesses of all sizes from idea-stage sole proprietor to established corporation. But most small business advisors have little to no training in how it works. Empower yourself, your organization and your staff with the knowledge and resources to support clients who...

Show of Hands Crowdfunding Competition

Show of Hands is a community-supported crowd-funding event. Community members are presented with projects that would positively impact Wheeling and vote on the project they want to support with donations from the door and the generous support of our community partners. On Wednesday, July 26, the following entrepreneurs will compete for...