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Making the Most of Your Social Media Posts

Microsoft Teams

There are 4.7 billion social media users and the average person uses 7 different social networks per month and spend at least 95 minutes per day on social media sites. […]


Bookkeeping for Small Business – 3/21/2024


For owners of new or recently established businesses, bookkeeping can be a daunting task. However, an understanding of basic accounting and financial statements is crucial for making informed financial decisions. […]


Marketing to Agencies and Primes

Zoom Webinar

Good marketing is the key to your success in federal procurement.  Marketing professionals from the Regional Contracting Assistance Center (RCAC) will walk us through some best practices, including how to […]


Marketing Part 2: Promoting Your Business – 03/21/2024


In this webinar, we walk you through common promotional methods, including social media, networking, and referrals, and show you how to create a promotional plan. You’ve developed a wonderful new […]


Win Customers With Your Website – 03/26/2024


How do you set your website up to win over customers? Your website has to attract and engage visitors, educate them about your products and services, and convert them into […]


Proving Your Business Idea Works

Microsoft Teams

Nearly 35% of startups fail because there’s no need for the product or service offered. That means exploring in depth the market demand, the market size, value proposition, and the […]


Your Communication Matters Workshop Series: Building Stronger Brand and Marketing Strategies for Success

Morgantown Area Partnership 265 Spruce Street, Morgantown, WV, United States

Apis Creative and the Morgantown Area Partnership announce "Your Communication Matters," a workshop series designed to empower businesses, non-profits, and government agencies with knowledge and tools for enhancing their branding, marketing, and other outreach efforts. Workshops will take place January 30, February 13, and February 27 at the Partnership office located at 265 Spruce Street, […]


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*We reserve the right to publish events on an individual basis. All events must be business related, non-sales with a focus on educating and benefiting the business community.