
Why GaryVee Is Spot On About Self-Awareness

My response to article published at titled: Gary Vaynerchuk: We’re Thinking About Entrepreneurship All Wrong I think what GaryVee points out is an interesting and important point regarding how everyone’s thinking about entrepreneurship is all wrong and singling out lack of self-awareness as...

Seven Tips for Marketing Your Small Business to the Right Audience

Today's blog is a repost of Mr. Jens-Kristian Kiel's article written for the West Virginia Small Business Development Center's website.  To find the original posting of this article, you can visit


As small business owners, we often focus on what we bring to the table — our products, services,...

West Virginia Entrepreneurship Ecosystem Update- August 2022

Bridging Innovation Week 2023: Save the Date | April 17-21, Wheeling, WV Bridging Innovation Landing Page Help us spread the word! Promotional Graphics & Sample Language ASK: Share topic and speaker ideas with Tara and I. Entrepreneur Spotlight Contact Info: Gary Gini, The Instrument Lab | [email protected] ASK: If you work directly with entrepreneurs,...

Melting Pots and Building Blocks- The Founding of Piddlin’ Rooster

The Melting Pot

Business ownership is like a melting pot. Not in the normal sense of different people coming together to form a community, but similar:  it takes many different forms of personal experiences, education, actions, trials and errors, lessons learned, tears, sweat, long nights, hard work, and an unbelievable amount...

FASTER WV: Boosting Entrepreneurship, Startups and Business Expansion

Are you aware that West Virginia lags far behind Appalachia, and the nation, in entrepreneurial and start-up activity? In fact, the Kauffman Foundation’s 2017 State Report found that WV ranked last in startup early job creation with a third as many jobs created as the leading state, and below the...

West Virginia Entrepreneurship Ecosystem Update July 2022

Bridging Innovation 2023 Announced!

That's right! Bridging Innovation 2022 is coming to Wheeling next year! If you haven't heard of Bridging Innovation or were unable to make it last year, now is the time to get your event registered for 2023! Keep up to date with Bridging Innovation by checking in...

West Virginia Entrepreneurship Ecosystem Update June 2022

Spotlight Programs:

Lauren Prinzo Community & Economic Development Specialist WVU Extension Service Equity in Entrepreneurship Findings Update and Discussion West Virginia University is conducting in-person strategic planning meetings across West Virginia as part of an Appalachian Regional Commission (ARC) POWER Technical Assistance grant aimed at expanding entrepreneurship opportunities for rural and low-income youth. The next...

Minimum Viable Testing and How You Can Use It in Your Startup

The MVP Problem

The venerable MVP, or Minimally Viable Product, has long been the measure for which most startups begin their market/A-B testing.  It’s taught in nearly every prototyping seminar, early entrepreneurship education programs, and in most colleges of business.  It’s tried and it’s true—but is it the best we can...

I-Corp, push your idea from research to reality

The National Science Foundation (NSF) is well known for its funding of high impact scientific discoveries. Making up over a quarter of all federal funding for science and technology research, NSF knows how to invest in the future of the United States research infrastructure. Research and discovery...