West Virginia is a great potential location for entrepreneurs to consider opening their next enterprises. The Mountain State, along with Texas, nabbed the top two spots in the Fit Small Business ranking of Best States to Start a Business.
The report examined business, economic, and demographic data in all fifty states to arrive at its best-of list. That data revealed some surprising results, according to small business expert Brigitte Korte.
“All of the states in the Top 10 offer business owners an inexpensive labor force, lower operating costs and a business-friendly environment,” said small business expert Brigitte Korte. “Some of the states … may be smaller, but they’re still giants when it comes to business opportunity.”
West Virginia ranked 7th in overall affordability, 9th in labor market strength and 11th in local market. Click here to view the study. To understand all of the information used to conduct Fit Small Business’s study, see the complete data set and rankings.
Sources: Originally posted by Daily304